"Beeline" expands the boundaries of 4G in Moscow
JSC "VimpelCom" (brand "Beeline") announces the launch of a full-scale network of the fourth generation (4G) in Moscow. Today wireless broadband services based on LTE technology available in most parts of the capital within the Ring Road. Until the end of 2013 4G-services will be available at 80% of the capital, promises operator. The commercial launch of LTE network was held in Moscow in May 2013, the first piece of the network has been deployed within the Garden Ring. company notes that the network speed 4G "Beeline" about 10 times higher than in the network 3G, on average, a subscriber gets access to speed of 10-20 Mbit / s. To connect to the LTE, enough to come to any office of the "Beeline" in the Moscow region and get a USIM-card with support for 4G. Replacement USIM-cards free, with a working number and rate remain. 4G-enabled device can also be purchased in their own sales and customer service "Beeline" and more than 1,700 dealer outlets. All 4G-devices work as 2G/3G networks and carry out automatic transfer if necessary.
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