Prestigio «planshetiziruet" Moscow schools

In the experiment, "Mobile education XXI century", implemented by Prestigio to support national project "Education", first graders school № 9 in Moscow received Prestigio tablets preloaded with educational applications. There were 30 transferred Prestigio tablets with educational applications in two subjects - mathematics and computer science. The experiment involves a gradual transition of Russian schools on learning with tablet computers, containing all the necessary training materials. platform was developed for training partner Prestigio, by "Pelican Softver" and includes not only applications, but the cloud. All materials are stored in the cloud storage and available for teachers as a worker and a home computer. To date, the course involves teaching two school subjects: mathematics and computer science. The project consists of a textbook in electronic form and some experimental applications. In addition, the plates have applications for testing cognitive processes and learning skills. Thus, the tablet will replace the first-graders all tutorials from the two school subjects. All applications are developed based on the textbooks approved by the Ministry of Education and Science. In the future, the company plans - to extend the project to other school subjects. Earlier Prestigio plates with all the necessary training materials already received students of Moscow State University of Printing them. Ivan Fedorov, five secondary schools in Astrakhan and secondary school number 159 in Ufa. The company plans to Prestigio - active development of the educational project, increasing the number of schools participating and materials installed on the plates. 

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