We saw the specs and pictures of the successor to the Galaxy S Duos leak yesterday, and now an Indian retailer has revealed the price of the smartphone. The phone will be available in India in a few days with a price tag of Rs 11,230 (~$180), which is considerably less than the starting price of the original Galaxy S Duos, an indication that Samsung is slowly understanding the importance of pricing such low-end handsets more sensibly, especially in a market like India where low-end devices are what are driving smartphone growth, and where the original S Duos was a considerably success.
If you missed the leak about the device yesterday, the Galaxy S Duos 2 is expected to sport a WVGA (480×800) 4-inch screen, 1.2GHz dual-core processor, 768 MB RAM a 5-megapixel camera, 4GB internal memory, a microSD slot, 1,500mAh battery, and Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean (possibly with features like Multi Window, which are usually reserved for the high-end/large-screen Galaxy phones). Not exactly the greatest specs, but again, at least the price will be more suited to what’s on offer.
Anyone looking to pick one up?
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