Upgrade and Save offers coming on December 11, $0 down on 32GB iPhone 5c, Note III and more [Rumor]

T-Mobile is hitting the holiday season hard. From Black Friday the company’s been rolling out a variety of special offers, including $0 down on handsets like the iPhone 5s and 5c, which have since gone back up in terms of initial down payment cost.

The next stage of the holiday discounts, according to one of our sources, is the second phase of an “Upgrade and Save” holiday offer.

Select users who are due an upgrade will be sent a message informing them that they’re selected, and be told the amount of discount that they’re due. This discount will range from $25 to $200. Beginning December 11, these direct mailers will be sent out with details on the preselected offers for each eligible user. Also from that date, the following handsets will be available for $0 down:

•Galaxy Note II
•Galaxy Note III
•Galaxy S III
•Galaxy S 4
•Samsung LTE Hotspot
•iPhone 5 16GB & 32 GB
•iPhone 5c 16GB & 32 GB
•iPhone 5s 16GB
•Optimus F3

This offer is open to upgrade customers only, and will only apply if the subscriber has met the the “tenure eligibility requirements” of their plan. Phase 1, which included LG, Sony and Samsung phones ends on December 10th. From the 11th, it’ll include the Samsung, LG and Apple devices mentioned above. Interestingly, the 32GB model iPhone 5c is included, and Tmo continues to offer the iPhone 5, which amazingly is still $199 upfront on a new line.

If we get any form of confirmation or any further information, we’ll be sure to update the post.


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