Hey, hey, it’s Friday – but it’s not just any Friday! Yup: it’s Black Friday, the post-Thanksgiving start of the race towards Christmas, and the day that the preparatory shopping kicks off in style.

So, in the spirit of mass consumerism and instant gratification, why not treat yourself to some brand new apps? We’ve rounded up the best of the new releases and major updates to save you valuable time and energy – you’ll need those when you hit the high-street sales….

Football Club

What is it? Well, its full title is The EA Sports Football Club Companion App for FIFA 14, which should give you a clue; it’s an that lets you keep up your FIFA 14 shenanigans when you’re on the move.
Why we love it? For FIFA fanatics (and there are a lot of you out there) this feels like it’ll quickly becomes indispensible. It’s a companion app, of course, so you’ll need an Origin account hooked up to FIFA 14, and you’ll want to have an FUT club in-game (that’s an Ultimate Team, for newbies) but if you’re all signed up, it will let you remotely access your stats and manage your team, work out transfers and check your alerts. 24/7 football? This little gem has you covered.
Who it’s perfect for: Football nuts


What is it? A note-taking app
Why we love it? It’s all about handwriting – no typing in sight! Customise the paper size and style (wide or narrow ruled, various types of graph paper) and the colour and thickness of the pen, add images, and pinch to zoom. People with larger phones or phableta like the new Lumia 1520 will find it a particularly intuitive and attractive app, but it’s still nifty for those of us with smaller screen. It costs nothing, too, if you think the deal’s not sweet enough already…
Who it’s perfect for: Old school note-takers who’d rather not mess about with virtual keyboards.

Around Me

What is it? An app that lets you explore photos taken nearby.
Why we love it? Around Me reads the EXIF data of digital photos (the metadata stored with the picture – specifically, the location data) so that you can see what other photographers have made of your area  or any other area you care to key into the search tool. It checks Flickr, 500px, Instagram and Panoramio for relevant photos, so you know there’s already a huge database of images out there. The app might be very new, then, but it’s already content-rich. For a minor amount of cash you can get an ad-free version, but the freebie’s decent too.
Who it’s perfect for: Holiday-makers, house-hunters, armchair-based global explorers…

Hill Climb Racing

What is it? A racing game
Why we love it? It’s a cross between a driving game and a physics game; with a brake and an accelerator at your disposal, you have to get your car from A to B without flipping over. It’s set up like a platform game, all scrolling action, and it’s the physics of the hills you encounter that makes it challenging: balancing gas and momentum is harder than it looks! The cartoony graphics are cute, and there’s actually a fair bit of techy vehicle customization options for car-geeks to enjoy (all of which involve earning in-game coins, of course). The music and ads are a little annoying, but far from irksome enough to stop us playing: this is truly addictive.
Who it’s perfect for: All sorts of gamers – fans of driving, platform games and physics puzzles will get hooked.

Sky Cups

What is it? A game where you get to smash a load of cups
Why we love it? It’s straightforward, but considerably harder than you’d expect very fast-moving and a total time-suck. A pile of cup are stacked high and you have to keep adding more to the pile; get three that match in a row and those three break. Some of the cups are explosives and some will freeze and shatter the surrounding crockery. The aim is to smash the lot. It’s like Tetris, but the gesture-based gameplay is more like Fruit Ninja. This makes the Mad Hatter’s Tea party look civilized!
Who it’s perfect for: Gamers
That’s this week fab five from us, but what about yours? Any new or updated apps caught your eye? Then let us know down below.

LG Canada says Android 4.4 update for G2 coming ‘late Q1, 2014′

We’ve just received word that LG is promising an update to Android 4.4 for its flagship G2 smartphone in late Q1, 2014, or near the end of March. According to company representative, Court Elliot, LG Canada is going to offer the software to carriers at the same time, though it’s unclear if the rollout will begin the same day across all providers.

The LG G2 is a great piece of hardware, but the Android 4.2.2-based software skin that arrived with it was clunky and, in many places, ugly. We’re hoping that LG can sort out the majority of its UI and UX issues to accommodate the performance and feature improvements inherent to KitKat, but that remains to be seen.

As for an update to the Optimus G, which is still ignominiously running Android 4.1.2, LG would not comment on a potential upgrade path.


LG G2 to get the Android KitKat update in Q1, 2014

LG G2 to get the Android KitKat update in Q1, 2014


FIFA releases official apps on Android and iOS

FIFA releases official apps on Android and iOS


Comparison of Video Playback on Nexus 7 Tablets: Android 4.3 clearly better than the new version

- A video playback performance comparison between Android 4.3 Jelly Bean and 4.4 KitKat
with Nexus 7

Video playback quality is an important measure in today’s mobile multimedia devices. These
devices are used for watching videos from various sources like Netflix, Viaplay, HBO or
YouTube. Consumers are very sensitive about video quality and do not accept poor
performance like skipped frames, pausing or jerking.

The frame rate of most videos is 24-30 fps, but a speed of 60 fps is a basic requirement for
tablets and is becoming more and more common. Today Samsung Galaxy S4 ja Apple iPhone
5S are already using max. 120fps speed. Watching of for example HFR (High Frame Rate)
content produced by GoPro and other action cameras as well as watching of videos captured
from games is getting more popular.

Video playback performance measurements with OptoFidelity VideoMultimeter

OptoFidelity measured video playback performance of the Nexus tablets by using
OptoFidelity VideoMultimeter measurement device. OptoFidelity VideoMultimeter is a
professional measurement solution for measuring the true and objective video playback
performance of mobile, tablet or any multimedia device. It is a perfect tool for R&D design
verification, test laboratory use and other R&D applications. You can, for example, define
the minimum, maximum, and average frame rate your display truly shows, or take a look at
the frame rate as a function of time. With this, you can also find faults in design and
problems in the interoperation between the different processes running in your device
under test.
OptoFidelity video performance measurement on YouTube:

Image 1: OptoFidelity VideoMultimeter


Tests were done for Nexus 7 tablets version 2012 and version 2013 both with old Android
4.3 Jelly Bean and new KitKat 4.4 operating system. The operating system was updated to
both devices as an OTA (Over The Air) update by WiFi connection.

In this test we measured the playback of a HD video (24 fps) from YouTube and the playback
of a local video stored to the device with the following image qualities and speeds:
 Video resolution 720 p, speed 30 fps
 Video resolution 1080 p, speed 30 fps
 Video resolution 720 p, speed 60 fps
 Video resolution 1080 p, speed 60 fps

Test videos were generated with OptoFidelity Test Video Generator.

Every video playback measurement was repeated several times, and an average score was
taken to overall results. The results were generated by giving error points, so in overall
results a smaller score is better, as it means the product got less error points. If the video
playback couldn’t be done at all, the product got 500 error points.

Three qualities were measured in the test. First of all we measured deviation, which shows
to user as jerking. The target value for deviation is 0 msec. In this test deviation was rated
with multiplier 3 (e.g. ±15 msec results as 45 error points). If the value according to
measurements is ±10 msec or higher, the user can see this clearly as jerking of the video.

The other measured value was the speed over the whole video clip, that is AVG fps. The
desired value varies depending on the reported speed of video (24, 30 and 60 fps). Deviation
percentage from this target to any direction was taken into account as it was (for example
deviation of 10 % results in 10 error points).

The third measured quality was the amount of dropped frames. These results were taken
into account as they were, so e.g. 5 % of dropped frames caused 5 error points. Again if the
dropped frame value is bigger, the user can see this as jerking of the video.

An overall score was determined according to the amount of error points from the
mentioned measurements. The best score in this test is 0. Other categories according to
error points include

 Score less than 10 error points very good
 Score 10-20 good
 Score 20-50 satisfactory
 Score over 50 unsatisfactory


Results were interesting. According to all measures the performance of the new operating
system was weaker than that of the old operating system. The best result in video playback
got Nexus 7 of year 2012 with the older operating system. The second best was Nexus 7 of
year 2013 with the old operating system. In practice the update of operating system has a
remarkable negative impact on results of both versions of Nexus. Dropped frames and
deviation appeared in the normal use of basic videos (video speed 24/30 fps).

Image 2: Overall results with frame rate 24/30 fps. The year 2012 Nexus 7 with the old
operating system got the best score.

An interesting result from the point of view of a demanding user requiring high frame rates
is that after KitKat 4.4 update the playback of a 60 fps video did not work anymore with
neither of the test videos (720 p or 1080 p) in Nexus 7 of year 2013. The older operating
system played the speed of 60 fps and resolution of 720 p satisfactory. The playback of this
speed in total is poor with both devices and versions.

Image 3: Overall results with all speeds. Nexus 7 Android 4.4 system wasn’t able to play at all
video resolution of 720 p or 1080 p with speed of 60 fps.

Nexus 7 (2012), 4.3 Nexus 7 (2012), 4.4 Nexus 7 (2013), 4.3 Nexus 7 (2013), 4.4
Overall Score, 24/30 fps. Smaller score is better
Nexus 7 (2012), 4.3 Nexus 7 (2012), 4.4 Nexus 7 (2013), 4.3 Nexus 7 (2013), 4.4
Overall Score, 24/30/60 fps. Smaller score is better

Image 4: The results of test winner Nexus 7 (2012) with old operating system

Image 5: Test results Nexus 7 (2013) with Android 4.3 operating system.

24fps HD
Nexus 7 (2012), Android 4.3
Deviation (+/-msec)
AVG fps
Dropped frames %
24fps HD
Nexus 7 (2013), Android 4.3
Deviation (+/-msec)
AVG fps
Dropped frames %

Image 6: Test results Nexus 7 (2012) with Android 4.4 operating system.

Image 7: The weakest performance in this test: Nexus 7 (2013) with Android 4.4 operating
system. A device with the new operating system wasn’t able to play the video resolution of
720 p or 1080 p with speed of 60 fps at all.


When evaluating video playback, the older KitKat operating system performs better than the
new one. The update has a clear effect on the quality perceived by user especially when
watching fast videos with more and more common 60 fps speeds. This is something that
user should know before loading a new version of operating system.

24fps HD
Nexus 7 (2012), Android 4.4
Deviation (+/-msec)
AVG fps
Dropped frames %
24fps HD
Nexus 7 (2013), Android 4.4
Deviation (+/-msec)
AVG fps
Dropped frames %

These results raise the question, how is it possible that updating to a new software version
has such a clear negative effect on the relatively measured results.

Company behind the results

OptoFidelity is a Finnish, nonaligned high technology company specializing in test and
measurement automation. Our focus is on non-intrusive testing and measuring devices from
the end-user point of view.
Our mission is to fight against poor manual testing and show that investment in right testing
automation can pay back in more qualified applications and devices as well as more satisfied
end-user user experience.
We have several test systems and testing tools which can be used separately or for building
a complete, fully automated test system. Most of our products are scalable and can also be
integrated to customers own testing automation system or our partners script test or
software testing tools.

Learn more about our test automation solutions on

You can also watch our other test automation demo videos at

Android 4.4 KitKat degrades video playback performance

Android 4.4 KitKat degrades video playback performance


Sony Xperia C: hands-on

This is a brief hands-on video of the dual-SIM Xperia C.

New video shows off the Nokia Lumia 1320 in 360 degrees

Nokia has released a new promo video for the Nokia Lumia 1320 on their Youtube channel. The video shows off the device with 360-degree views. The big 6-inch display is definitely the highlight. As we go around the device, we see glimpses of Storyteller, camera roll, and Temple Run. We're also liking the background music!
Head past the break to watch the new video.
The Nokia Lumia 1320 is a mid-range affordable Windows Phone device. It features a 6-inch 768x1280 display, 5-megapixel camera, microSD expansion, dual-core Snapdragon processor, 1 GB of RAM, and more. Check out our hands-on video for more details.
The Nokia Lumia 1320 comes in matte yellow, matte black, glossy white, and glossy red. Release dates and pricing are still vague, but we know it will be in Singapore sometime in January.
Does the video make you want the Lumia 1320? Let us know in the comments!

Sony Xperia C comes by our office

Sony Xperia C comes by our office


Nokia Lumia 1320 - Big and beautiful

With a 6" display and bright, colourful design that really stands out from the crowd, the Nokia Lumia 1320 makes a statement in any situation: http://www.nokia.com/global/products/...

A new Nokia Lumia 1320 promo video is out

A new Nokia Lumia 1320 promo video is out


SIM-free BlackBerry Z10 now available for $199

SIM-free BlackBerry Z10 now available for $199


Get $200 off an unlocked BlackBerry Z10* (your choice of black or white)

Enter code BFEMAILZ10 at checkout
Offer ends December 2, 2013, or while supplies last. Quantities are limited. Offer is not transferable. Orders placed under this offer must use the original offer recipients email address.
*Only compatible with GSM carriers, including AT&T and T-Mobile

BlackBerry Z10

Product Details

Every feature, every gesture, and every detail is designed with you in mind. Features and apps work seamlessly together, allowing your every move to flow into the next.
  • Peek in and out of BlackBerry® Hub from any app with the slightest swipe, and swiftly transition back to what you were doing.
  • The BlackBerry® Keyboard learns how you write and adapts to how you type so you can write faster and more accurately, giving you the kind of legendary typing experience that only BlackBerry can deliver.
  • Effortlessly switch between typing and face-to-face collaboration in an instant with BBM™ Video and Screen Share.*
The BlackBerry Z10 smartphone powered by BlackBerry® 10. Built to Keep You Moving.

Learn more about unlocked phones

Quechua Phone: smartphone from baroud

Starting next week, hikers and other extreme sports enthusiasts can get a smartphone designed for their playgrounds.
The "rugged" smartphone. you dreamed, Decathlon did. In partnership with Archos and marketed under its brand Quechua, the brand specialized in sport offer on 5 December smartphone resistant to shocks, mud, water, sand, cold, snow: brief everything that makes the salt hiking and other outdoor or extreme entertainment. The device features IP 54 class certification.
Quechua Phone incorporates a Qualcomm quad-heart 1.2GHz processor, 1GB of RAM, 4GB of internal storage, a 5 megapixel camera, a micro USB port and Micro SD. The device runs on Android 4.1 Jellybean. The screen size is 5 inches and it is readable even in bright sunlight.The entire outside but also from inside the unit were treated to meet the requirements of IP 54 certification. One of the most interesting points is the autonomy of the Li-Polymer battery 3500 mAh with which the supplier claims a range of more than 22 hours of calls.
This launch from an observation that we could do it ourselves with our customers, the supply of smartphones is indeed bloated, yet there is no device on the market truly suitable for the practice of hiking and the outdoors  , "says Christian Ollier, director of the Quechua brand of our colleagues Echos .
Quechua Phone does not carry the latest components or 4G but that is not the goal. The idea is to propose a robust device at an affordable price as a second phone dedicated to these activities. As it will be marketed 230 euros and will have specific applications: hiking, national parks, ski resorts, mountain guides plants ...

Motorola Moto G - Unlocked - 16GB

US Compatibility: AT&T and AT&T based MVNO only (such as net10)
4.5 inch 720p HD TFT display
Quad-core 1.2GHz processor with 450MHz graphics processor
5MP rear camera, plus front facing camera


Quechua announces a rugged 5" smartphone

Quechua announces a rugged 5" smartphone


Unlocked Moto G goes up for pre-order on Amazon in the US

Unlocked Moto G goes up for pre-order on Amazon in the US


Android 4.4 now seeding to Unlocked and Developer HTC One

Android 4.4 now seeding to Unlocked and Developer HTC One



Sony BM10 Bluetooth Music Receiver (Clove)

The official Sony BM10 Bluetooth music receiver gets unboxed and demonstrated.

This compact little unit allows for wireless streaming of your music over a range of up to 100m. Connect the unit to your stereo system with the appropriate RCA cables and you can enjoy louder and clearer sound.

FREE magazine subscription with Huawei Ascend P6

FREE magazine subscription with Huawei Ascend P6


Sony BM10 Bluetooth music receiver

Sony BM10 Bluetooth music receiver


Microsoft Surface 2 review: Sink or swim

Microsoft Surface 2 review: Sink or swim


SamMobile confirms Galaxy Grand Lite (GT-I9060), to be announced at MWC

Yes, folks, you read that right. There’s the original Galaxy Grand, the just announced Galaxy Grand 2, and in a couple of months, there will be another Galaxy Grand sandwiched in between, dubbed the Galaxy Grand Lite (GT-I9060), according to one of our insiders. The device will be announced at the MWC in late January, and is something of a cross between the two – it will have a 5-inch WVGA screen, 1.2GHz quad-core processor, 1GB of RAM, 8GB internal storage with microSD slot, and a 2,100mAh battery.
Where it differs is the camera and Android version. The camera is expected to be a 5-megapixel unit on the rear and a very standard VGA camera on the front; our insider says the phone will run on Android 4.2 Jelly Bean – that’s probably just temporary, and the final product should have at least Android 4.3 out of the box. Dual SIM support is pretty much a given as well, as the Galaxy Grand has been a success in markets where phones with two SIM slots are quite popular (such as India and China), though that’s something we can’t confirm at this point.
The Galaxy Grand Lite will be available in white, “Midnight Black”, “Lime Green”, and orange, from somewhere around the fifth week of 2014. Why is Samsung making a Galaxy Grand Lite? Well, that’s a tough question to answer – it looks like the Korean company is taking things a step further when it comes to having multiple variants of their devices, this time extending the tradition to a device that comes somewhere in the lower mid-range spectrum of the market. It’s not a move that makes any sense to us, but hey, we aren’t making the decisions over at Samsung HQ.

Samsung Argentina unveils two new colours for Galaxy Note 3, Red and Rose Gold

Yesterday, we reported that Samsung will soon be unveiling the Galaxy Note 3 in two brand new colours, Red and Rose Gold. And today, Samsung Argentina updated its Galaxy Note 3 product page with both of the new colours. There are no differences in specifications between the new colour variants and the old ones, except the colour difference obviously.
The Red variant will launch in the first week of 2014, while the Rose Gold version will follow two weeks later – these are tentative time frames, but you can expect both new colour variants to be out in the market by the end of January. According to our source, availability will be worldwide, though it’s possible we might see retailers and carriers getting an exclusive claim on the new colours for a particular period of time (especially in the US).
We must say the Red variant of the Galaxy Note 3 looks stunning! What do you think about the new Galaxy Note 3 colours?

Verizon Galaxy Note 3 on sale for $199.99 as part of Black Friday deal

Here’s another nice Black Friday deal, this time from the largest carrier in the US. The Galaxy Note 3 is currently only $199.99 on a two-year contract from Verizon, a $100 discount on the usually steep $299 price tag; an outright purchase will cost you $599. If a phablet isn’t your thing, then Verizon also has three Samsung tablets on a $150 discount: the Galaxy Tab 2 7.0, Galaxy Tab 2 10.1, and Galaxy Note 10.1. Not exactly comparable to the Note 3 in hardware, but hey, a discount’s a discount, right?
Hit the links below to take advantage of the Black Friday deals from Verizon.

Samsung Galaxy S4 gets another stability update in Germany [XXUEMKE]

Samsung seems when the update to Android 4.3 for the Samsung Galaxy S4 still find bugs and therefore now another update in Germany.
Samsung GalaxyS4 XXUEMKE Update Samsung Galaxy S4 gets another stability update in Germany [XXUEMKE]
The update to version number XXMKE is available for a few minutes over KIES and according to some comments also OTA and still has the strange note in the Dutch language before the update. The firmware is brand new, the software was not until 27 November compiled. Thus, the German Samsung Galaxy S4 without branding (DBT) has the latest firmware world.Changes should relate primarily to minor errors, only the faltering after the last update reception has become noticeably better.
If the errors are slowly then all resolved, Samsung can fix this yes even with updates for the Galaxy S III and Galaxy Note II, and then release the updates icon wink Samsung Galaxy S4 gets another stability update in Germany [XXUEMKE]
Update XXUEMKE Samsung Galaxy S4 gets another stability update in Germany [XXUEMKE]

Android 4.3 bug fix update rollout for Galaxy S4 worldwide

Good news everyone, it seems like Samsung has started rolling out the Android 4.3 update for the Galaxy S4 once again. AT&T confirmed the same for its variant earlier, and now the update is showing up in some European nations, including Germany, France, and the UK. The update’s notification terms it as a stability update, which is pretty spot on considering it is expected to fix the issues that caused the original 4.3 update to be pulled, leaving everyone waiting yet again after the initial year-long wait.
The build number accompanying the update is I9505XXUEMKE, and the build date is of November 27th, which means it is the most recent firmware available for Samsung’s flagship smartphone. The update seems to be available only on Kies at the moment, but it should be making its way to devices over the air in the coming days. Don’t forget to do a manual check in the Settings » About phone »  Software updates menu, though as always, the update will reach your device of its own accord.

Samsung Sees Tizen and Firefox OS as Allies Against Android and iOS

A couple of weeks ago we’ve talked about what has been going on during the Tizen Developer Summit 2013; specifically about Samsung’s faith in the platform in question. As most of you already know, Tizen is an open source operating system that is being developed by Intel and Samsung, and it appears that the Korean manufacturer might plan on using theTizen platform to distance itself from the Android OS.
This theory might sound a bit daft, but truth is, Samsung is slowly but surely becoming more and more of an independent entity. The company has started working on the “Gumi” project -which is basically a way for Sammy to stop relying on its part suppliers- and Tizen seems to be the equivalent of “Gumi”, but on the software side.
Now, according to fresh reports, Sammy has big plans for Tizen, and it looks like the platform might join forces with Firefox OS. More details below.
Samsung Sees Tizen and Firefox OS as Allies Against Android and iOS
Samsung Sees Tizen and Firefox OS as Allies Against Android and iOS

Samsung Working on Uniting Tizen with Firefox?

The Korean manufacturer has recently attended the “Conference for establishing HTML5 Fusion Technique“, where the Chief Secretary of Samsung has talked a bit about Tizen’s future. During his speech, Wonsuk Lee has pointed out that the Tizen platform must join forces with Firefox OS. Developers from both camps have used HTML5-based applications, and since an app that has been developed in HTML5 can be used both on Tizen and Firefox OS, this alliance would create a win-win scenario, resulting in a fast-growing ecosystem.
What’s even more interesting is that, in Samsung’s vision, both Tizen and Firefox OS will grow to a point where they’ll compete directly with Android, as well as iOS.

In other words, Samsung has great faith and big plans for its open source OS. Whether or not these efforts will pay off remains to be seen. The first Samsung Tizen smartphone is expected to hit the market sometime in Q1 2014, but we might not see a true flagship until sometime in the second half of next year, when version 3.0 of the OS will go live. NTT Docomo wishes that the first Tizen device to go on sale, on its network, in January, but that’s another story altogether.
Any thoughts regarding a Tizen and Firefox OS alliance? Share them below.

Samsung sees Tizen and Firefox OS as companions

Samsung had mentioned that the new open source OS Tizen and Firefox OS must have companion-like relationship. It is foreseen by many that these new OS will be competing against Apple iOS and Google Android for the future generation phones. 

Samsung had attended the ‘Conference for establishing HTML5 Fusion Technique forum’ which was held at Seoul COEX on the 26th (KST). Chief Secretary of Samsung Electronics gave speech about how their process of developing Tizen platform is going and stressed that Tizen must cooperate and create a helping relationship with Firefox OS community. 

Tizen is a open source OS being developed by Samsung and Intel together and is planned to be used on not only smart phones but on tablet PCs, TVs and other home appliances. Firefox OS is a Browser company Mozilla’s open source OS, which is currently being used in parts of Europe and South America. 

▲ Chief Secretary Wonsuk Lee of Samsung Electronics

According to the chief secretary, both Tizen and Firefox OS platform developers used HTML5 based apps in common. That is why they can support each other to grow in the OS ecosystem. Likewise, once an app based on HTML5 is developed, it can be used both in Tizen and Firefox OS. 

Tizen is based on Linux and holds web-kit and other open source technologies, supports native method but also can support HTML5 app developing platform, can be used on not only mobile but beyond such as cars and home appliances, and supports from manufacturers of different countries are strong. 

Samsung was asked of the release date for Tizen smart phone after the speech and answered sometime around in the first half of next year. 

Samsung: Tizen and Firefox could be powerful allies against Android and iOS

Samsung has big plans for Tizen, the mobile operating system it is jointly developing with Intel, that’s no secret. But, if the words of a Samsung executive are to be believed, those plans might also include the usually unthinkable act of joining forces with a rival operating system. At the Conference for establishing HTML5 Fusion Technique, Wonsuk Lee, Chief Secretary of Samsung, expressed interest in teaming up with Mozilla and bringing Tizen and Firefox OS closer together, due to the support for HTML5 development on both operating systems.

Sure, Firefox OS is a rather tiny rival OS for Samsung, considering the fact it’s aimed at low-end devices, but it would be a rather interesting move for the Korean manufacturer, especially since its looking at making Tizen run great on low-end hardware as well. Samsung believes both Tizen and Firefox could grow to a point where they could compete with iOS and Android, and the common development platform would offer a great boost to the ecosystems of both Tizen and Firefox. It’s a far-fetched idea, and Mozilla would likely want to push on with Firefox on its own, but it’s an idea that would be beneficial for both companies.

What do you guys think? Should Tizen and Firefox join forces, or should Samsung just not bother about the latter?


Galaxy Note 3 purchases in Netherlands on November 30 will receive €125 discount, free 64GB microSD

Samsung Netherlands has a great offer upcoming in, well, just a day. Those who buy a Galaxy Note 3 from one of the participating stores in the country will receive a free 64GB microSD card worth €50, and even better, get €125 of the price of the handset refunded within 15 days, after a buyer registers the device online, then sends in a printed copy of the IMEI number on the device box and the sales receipt.
That’s as good a deal as you’ll get on one of the best, but also priciest, smartphones launched this year. For Vodafone customers, there’s an addition discount - Vodafone Red Essential subscribers will just have to pay €45 per month instead of €54, with the device itself being free of any upfront payment. The source link has all the details you’ll need, don’t forget to give it all a read and be prepared for the deal to go live tomorrow.

Samsung Galaxy Note 3 - € 125 return - Welcome

Come on Saturday, November 30 at one of the participating stores, buy a Samsung Galaxy Note 3 * and receive a whopping € 125, - return and a 64GB Micro SD memory card worth € 50, - ** gift. Look for participating stores on the "where to buy" page. Plus you get at Vodafone, BelCompany and Phone House in combination with a Vodafone Red Essential subscribe the handset absolutely free and you pay instead of € 54, - only € 45, - p / month including 400 minutes, unlimited text and 1GB of data. (This Vodafone offer is not available at Media Markt.)

Only valid for purchases on November 30. Fill out the registration after your purchase on November 30 in full and print it out. Send the form along with a copy of the IMEI number of the box and a copy of the sales receipt before 15 December 2013 to the address indicated. See terms and conditions for more details.
* This offer requires SALE. ** The SD card you receive when you purchase directly at the store.

Galaxy S Duos 2 to cost Rs 11,230 ($180) in India

We saw the specs and pictures of the successor to the Galaxy S Duos leak yesterday, and now an Indian retailer has revealed the price of the smartphone. The phone will be available in India in a few days with a price tag of Rs 11,230 (~$180), which is considerably less than the starting price of the original Galaxy S Duos, an indication that Samsung is slowly understanding the importance of pricing such low-end handsets more sensibly, especially in a market like India where low-end devices are what are driving smartphone growth, and where the original S Duos was a considerably success.
If you missed the leak about the device yesterday, the Galaxy S Duos 2 is expected to sport a WVGA (480×800) 4-inch screen, 1.2GHz dual-core processor, 768 MB RAM a 5-megapixel camera, 4GB internal memory, a microSD slot, 1,500mAh battery, and Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean (possibly with features like Multi Window, which are usually reserved for the high-end/large-screen Galaxy phones). Not exactly the greatest specs, but again, at least the price will be more suited to what’s on offer.
Anyone looking to pick one up?


AT&T resumes rollout of Android 4.3 update for Galaxy S4

It came, then it disappeared, but now it’s back again. As you already surmised from the title, the Android 4.3 update for the AT&T variant of the Galaxy S4 is now back in circulation and making its way to users of the device over the air. AT&T doesn’t mention what issue caused the update to be pulled last time, but then again, as long as users can start upgrading to the much-awaited new version of Android once again, we shouldn’t be hearing any complaints on that.

As a refresher, the Android 4.3 update adds Galaxy Gear compatibility, faster performance and improved RAM management, new camera firmware and modes, KNOX security support, and more. AT&T suggests to check for the update in the Settings » About phone » Software updates menu, though as always, you might have to wait a couple of days before the update shows up on your device.


Galaxy Gear Update Available Now for Samsung Galaxy S® 4 Customers

Software updates for Galaxy Gear™ compatibility and additional enhancements are available today for customers who have an AT&T Samsung Galaxy S® 4.
In addition, this update also includes the ability to drag and drop apps to trash for uninstalling/disabling.
To date, AT&T customers with the Samsung Galaxy S® 3 and Samsung Galaxy Mega have also received Galaxy Gear compatibility updates for their devices.
For a successful install, we recommend the device has at least a 50 percent charged battery.
You can go to the Settings icon in the apps menu > Select the More Tab > Tap About Device > Select Software Update > Select Check for Updates and follow on screen instructions. Once installed, your phone will re-start automatically.
For more information please visit www.att.com/softwareupdates.
- See more at: http://blogs.att.net/consumerblog/story/a7791451#sthash.WJ7JzC9Y.dpuf

Survey suggests people get bored of their phone after just 4 months – how about you?

Survey suggests people get bored of their phone after just 4 months – how about you?


Forget the seven year itch, more like four months

It takes just four months on average for the novelty of a new mobile phone to wear off
New tech continues to turn heads as the nation currently spends £17billion to keep up with the latest, must-have mobile devices
A third of Brits (33%) admit to always wanting the latest, newest gadgets and handsets
O2 announces Speed to O2 Refresh to make it even faster and more cost-effective to get the latest kit
Phone lovers admit to getting bored by their new smartphones just four months into owning them, new research commissioned today by O2 reveals as they launch their new Speed to O2 Refresh offer for existing customers.
The findings suggest that technology has now overtaken the fashion world when it comes to the ‘must haves’ of the season with Brits looking to new tech trends on average three times a year – compared to the two classic spring/summer, autumn/winter style seasons.
Tech lust is sweeping the nation
The research by O2 reveals the euphoria of a new phone wears off for Brits in just four months on average, with a quarter of people (25%) becoming bored within just one month. Revealing that tech lust is sweeping the nation, a third of Brits (33%) admit to always wanting the latest, newest gadgets and handsets. A further two-thirds of Brits (60%) admit they would change phones even if their current handset worked perfectly well – with this elevation of trend-led technology resulting in new season, new phone.
Brits currently change phones on average every two years, meaning they hold on to handsets more than five times longer than they want to. The news comes as O2 launches Speed to O2 Refresh, a new way of letting existing customers upgrade to a new phone whenever they want. Phone lovers in the middle of a traditional mobile contract can now get 25% off their remaining line rental so they can upgrade to O2’s revolutionary O2 Refresh tariff fuss-free.
“With technology advancing by the day it is perhaps little surprise that the initial euphoria of owning a new device wears off faster than ever.”
David Johnson, General Manager Devices for O2 in the UK
The nation’s appetite for tech is bigger than ever with one in five Brits (20%) admitting to being influenced by the media and a similar 19% driven by envy of friends or colleagues and their latest gadgets. But proving there is a price to pay, Brits currently spend £270 each upgrading to the latest phones which equates to the nation spending £17billion in total in order to get their hands on the latest, must-have devices.
Pace of change
The pace of change and innovation in tech is driving us to distraction. New mobile functionality, camera quality, fingerprint recognition, choice in colours and smart personalisation tools are turning the nation’s heads faster than ever.
A quarter of Brits (24%) claim the early termination charge for getting out of a current contract is the biggest reason they don’t upgrade to a new phone when they would most want to, with 45% claiming that they would upgrade more frequently to the latest mobile device if they didn’t have to buy out their whole contract. And while O2’s new O2 Refresh tariff allows people to upgrade early without paying off an airtime contract, those on old-style contracts have had to wait for their contract to end.
Now, with Speed to O2 Refresh from O2, they don’t have to wait until the end of their current mobile contract – they can upgrade to a new mobile device and O2’s new O2 Refresh contract and get 25% off their remaining line rental. And with O2 Recycle ensuring customers get the value from their old phone, changing phones becomes even easier with the cash they get back off-setting some or all of the buy-out fee, or the up-front payment on a new deal.
The research revealed that men were found to be slightly more pragmatic than their female counterparts with 44% admitting that if their device worked perfectly well they would not switch smartphones, compared to 37% of women – suggesting men are driven more by technology and women by trends.
London ‘most up to date’
When it comes to keeping up with the Joneses, Londoners were revealed as the worst culprits with 39% always having the most up-to-date gadgets – joined on top by the Scots (with 39% also agreeing), followed by those in Northern Ireland (36%) and Wales (35%).
David Johnson, General Manager Devices for O2 in the UK, commented: “With technology advancing by the day it is perhaps little surprise that the initial euphoria of owning a new device wears off faster than ever. However, it is interesting to see that technology is now giving the fashion world a run for its money – with the nation waiting on the new season must-haves. That’s why we’ve created Speed to O2 Refresh – it’s now even easier and more affordable for phone lovers to have the latest kit. especially with O2 Recycle for their old phone.”
For more information go to http://www.o2.co.uk/refresh/speed-to-refresh.


Did you know that on average, we check our phone 100 times, listen to 15 minutes of music on it, and send an average of 41 text messages every single day?

The weirdest thing is, we probably don’t even realise we’re doing it. To highlight what an intricate part of our lives our smartphones have become, we asked 20-year old Marina from Moscow to take notes on everything she does on her Asha in one day. The results are in the infographic below…check it out to see how you compare!
Ashainfographic.jpg (1229×3686)
Marina is definitely making the most of her Asha. She’s keeping track of what’s happening with Fastlane, Asha’s second home screen, and multitasking to get work done while browsing the Internet. She takes pics, talks and texts as well as socialises with friends on Facebook, all without running down the battery. Her massive music library of 729 songs transforms an otherwise dull journey on the bus, while the Asha’s durable exterior saves the day when she drops her phone. Wow.
So, how does Marina’s day compare with your average? If you find yourself too busy to make notes, don’t despair – it ain’t for nothing that Asha means “hope” in Hindi. Just have a look at Fastlane and see your life beautifully organised on a timeline. Today, past and future, it’s all there, from your latest apps to contacts, photos, social media posts, likes and comments. We at Nokia Conversations have loved Fastlane ever since it was first showcased on the Asha 501, and with the 500, 502 and 503 it’s got even better. What are you waiting for? Reclaim your day with Asha, and tell us all about it in the comments below.


Amsterdam-based Lunagames develops apps and games for multiple platforms, but they have seen huge success with their Java-based games in the Nokia Store. They recently passed 150 million downloads across all Nokia devices.

They offer a broad mix of casual games (such as puzzle, match-3, strategy and action games) and entertainment apps – really something for every taste. And, because of their use of Java for game development, their content is available for virtually all Nokia devices on the market today.
You can learn more about Lunagames in this short video from Nokia Developer, and then read on to see what executives from the company attribute to their global success.

A clear dedication to mobile

“Our mission is to deliver to consumers worldwide a daily feel good moment through mobile phones,” says Richard Hazenberg, CEO of Lunagames (pictured right). “We’re very dedicated to that vision with over 100 applications in the Nokia store today.”
He goes on to say: “You can have short moments of entertainment on your mobile phone. So you can pick it up, have a short moment of fun and lay it aside again and continue later. We believe that is particularly important on mobile.”
And that dedication to both moments of fun – and the Nokia platform – has clearly paid off for Lunagames.
“We’re very pleased to announce that we just passed – very recently – the 150 million download mark across all Nokia devices,” says Richard. “So you can imagine that we’re very motivated to keep, developing new apps for the Nokia platform.”

Strength in numbers

The company typically sees more than 300,000 downloads of their mobile apps and games from Nokia Store every day, and they are particularly strong in emerging markets around the world, including Brazil, Mexico, India, and much of Africa.
“We are a Dutch-based company, and we like to look at the outside world, but we have limited scope into local markets. By working with Nokia we can really localize products to match cultures,” says Richard.

Developer freedom

Jean-Marc Huijskens, CTO at Lunagames, notes that they have a team of nine dedicated programmers just working on Java.  “With Java, we have a lot of freedom developing our games and we can use the tools to create a great, intuitive user experience.”
Recently, they have been using Nokia Asha SDK as a part of their game development work, which helps them to get games to market faster. “The tooling is great and we use it all the time to develop our games,” says Jean-Marc.
Lunagames generally offers their content for free using in-app advertising or in-app purchases to give consumers access to additional levels or other exclusives.
“We’re always pushing for new products and also enhancing apps that do well to make sure that new features are available for our fans,” says Richard.

The future for Lunagames

In addition to their tremendous catalog of games in the Nokia Store, they also have several titles available for Nokia Lumia in the Windows Phone Store, including Bubble Popper XXL, and BeZombied.
This past summer Lunagames announced that Linden Mobile Ventures invested €400,000 in the company. The investment is being used to add development capacity and increase international marketing.
“We like to invest in start-ups that develop solutions across multiple devices … With this investment, we expect Lunagames to grow even faster and become one of the major Dutch game development studios,” says Cornelis Mudde from Linden Mobile Ventures.

‘There’s an opportunity out there.’

When asked what advice he would give to other developers who are considering getting into the mobile app space, Richard cuts to the chase: “Understand the potential volume of the Nokia Store. It is simply amazing the amount of downloads you can see.”


A couple of months ago we launched our Photograph for Nokia in Puerto Rico competition. Now, after being dazzled by masses of stunning shots, we’re happy to announce the five grand winners.

The challenge was simple: Show us your most breathtaking photos featuring landscapes, natural settings or wildlife taken using any type of camera. Hundreds of you entered.  Eventually, these were whittled down to forty talented finalists each of whom was sent a Nokia Lumia 1020 and tasked with creating a portfolio of shots on the world’s best camera smartphone.
So without further ado, please put your hands together for the five winners, who’ll now be jetting off on amazing trip to Puerto Rico with National Geographic photographer Stephen Alvarez. We’ll be showcasing more of their Nokia Lumia 1020 work later. In the meantime, here’s a tantalizing taster of what they’ve achieved so far.

Kaveer Rai


Elena Goroscenco


Matteo Mantovani


Shanya Monique Smith


Pina Gruden

I’m sure you’ll agree this small sample of the winning portfolios shows why our five fantastic photographers deserve to win. Question is which of their photos do you love best? Let us know down below.